Friday, August 5, 2011

"Duck Tales" to be the worst comic ever?

   We all love the adventures of Donald Duck's nephews and uncle. Will with there own comic by Ka- boon that is called Duck Tales is called-
  The worst comic ever.
    People say that the back ground is like if its been drawn by an 8 year old. Hears a review of Chris Barat-  
   Some of the complaints will make sense only to those familiar with the Disney comic universe, but the incompetent drawing and staging will be evident to all. Panels are flipped and repeated, characters speak to other characters that aren’t even drawn into the comic, backgrounds appear to be drawn by a twelve-year-old in MS Paint, and even the cover is an uninspired swipe of an earlier Daan Jippes cover.
   That must be really bad.

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