Monday, October 24, 2011

Classic Suess characters to be animated in live-action Dr.Suess movie

       Johnny Depp is in the works of a new movie about the creative author Dr.Suess, also is Depp gonna play the role as Suess himself.
    Well its probably gonna be about the life of the author but today it was announced that the classic characters of Suess will appear in the film. So I guess the characters are gonna be alongside the live-action characters, like in my favorite Who Framed Rodger Rabbit.
   This is what Depp said to Larry King on his talk show promoting (I wanna see) The Rum Diary-
         It’s something we’re developing with Seuss’ widow, Geisel’s widow. It’s a very exciting possibility, because it’s a combination of live-action and…the characters will certainly have a role.
      I can't wait for this. And Depp makes all his roles amazing like The Mad Hatter, Willie Wonka, Jack Sparrow and of coarse Rango.

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