Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Puss in Boots" review: "See in teathers"

    After stepping out from the adventures of Shrek, our own Puss in Boots gets his own movie. I went to go see this yesterday and it was truly epic. As it got 82% on the Tomatoemeter.
     Its still got some classic fairytale moments like in Shrek. But way better. It has humors moments with heartwarming sequences with breathtaking action and animation will left you up from the seat. Only can Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, and Zack Giliafankis can take the legend of boot waring cat. With a Latin touch to the film that made this movie even better. But has some inappropriate humor not for kids. But still good.
   So, definitely watch in theaters. It's gonna be awesome.

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