Thursday, October 6, 2011

"The Simpsons" NOT to be cancelled?

    I posted a few days ago that The Simpsons were called to be cancelled with the show Dexter. Now it is said that Fox will not be cancelling the show. Now the producers are gonna cut the pay-checks for the cast and crew.
   Hears what Fox said- “Fox wants The Simpsons for one more season at most” so that means that it could possibly get cancelled in 2013. If the cast will not like there checks. And they wont.
      The producers of the show let the cast members until tomorrow to decide if they accept the pay cuts (they wont). One unnamed worker at Fox said this about the show-
    The cuts proposed to actors are in line with cuts proposed to others involved in the show. The object here is not for the actors to pay personally for the reduction. The cost is that the cast is a component of the show, all of which is being downsized to do a final season.
    But everybody is on this. So maby The Simpsons shouldn't get canceled. Just what I said when they cancelled Hey Arnold!  

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