Friday, October 14, 2011

First review of "Tintin"

      The Adventures of Tintin is coming and will premiere in London in a few weeks, so there is still no reviews yet or score on Rotten Tomatoes, or is there? John Williams gave a good score to the film and gave us the review for it also. As he says- “a joyful play of opposites: the romance of old-school cinema, conjured by the slick synthesis of CG wizardry.”
    This is kinda what it looks like- Empire praises the stylish opening credits (“Nouvelle Vague flourish… featuring Tintin in silhouette dashing past giant typewriters and former foes”) and Andy Serkis‘ performance as Captain Haddock (“Serkis gives the movie its rich, flawed, bountiful heart”) while noting that the script by Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, and Stephen Moffat “struggles to be out-and-out funny” when not engaging with Haddock.
   This is also what they said-
    In an exalted midsection, in which Haddock, stricken by sobriety, relays his family history, we flow with unceasing movement between his telling and a titanic sea battle of old. Here, finally, is what the medium offers a filmmaker. Spielberg reaches a delirium of creativity through match cuts and dissolves: reflections in blades, bubbles, the bottom of a whiskey bottle transformed into a telescope, and a desert morphing into a squalling ocean.
     Man, I can't wait for this movie.

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