Monday, October 10, 2011

David Stainton to be new president of new Paramount Animation

      Dreamworks former publisher Paramount has been really on the works with the hole animation studio. Now they got a man to run it. Former Disney president David Stainton has been chosen for the job. Hears what Paramount said about Stainton-
Paramount Animation aims to focus on high-quality animation with budgets per picture of up to $100 million, with an initial target of one release per year. The division’s mandate will be the development of the broadest range of family CGI animated films, with a key piece being titles under the label of Viacom’s Nickelodeon, the No. 1 entertainment brand for kids worldwide. Paramount will also build on Viacom’s already thriving global consumer products business by seeking to capitalize on merchandising opportunities tied to all Paramount Animation releases.
     “David’s accomplishments speak for themselves, and I am glad to welcome him to the lot as we start this exciting new chapter,” Adam Goodman added. “With David’s leadership, we will look to build on what has been a very strong year for our studio in animation, with Rango and the upcoming Adventures of Tintin pointing to the kind of artist-driven, broad-appeal films we intend to make at Paramount Animation.”
        I don't know about Paramount, as long as they make a Popeye movie. Wait....isn't Sony making a Popeye movie? 

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